Subject: Re: testers needed for change to ofb.c
To: Tim Kelly <>
From: Chuck Silvers <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/10/2005 17:23:44
On Mon, Jan 10, 2005 at 02:01:42PM -0500, Tim Kelly wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Jan 2005 08:19:09 -0800
> Chuck Silvers <> wrote:
> >
> > this seems pretty reasonable. I cleaned up the patch (and removed the
> > font-size fiddling, since it's unrelated), it's attached.
> I wouldn't commit this just yet. Brian Hechinger and I are working on
> his Radeon card that appears to be the exception that proves the rule.
> After he flashed it for MacOS, it is now properly being seen in OF and
> has some quirks. The Radeon card itself is not identifying itself in OF
> as a "display" device, although it does carry the PCI class of display.
> Instead, it has two child nodes that are both OF frame buffer compliant,
> or at least appear to be, as we're having some trouble getting OF to
> actually use them. If we can get OF to use either one, I'm not sure if
> the best way to get NetBSD to see them is to iterate through the device
> if it carries PCI_CLASS_DISPLAY and look for something OF compliant, or
> to write a skeleton driver to attach the Radeon card and then subattach
> the children nodes, while adding something like ofb at pci, rad to
> files.macppc and a rad* at pci device.
ok, I'll hold off on changing anything. what are the OF properties of
the new nodes for the radeon card? could you send the output of "ofdump -p"?