Subject: Re: 2.0 multiboot CD is not bootable on macppc
To: None <>
From: SUNAGAWA Keiki <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/10/2005 17:34:35
> It boots on my seriously upgraded sawtooth if I manually specify the
> kernel on the command line and boots normally on my Beige G3. Trying to
> boot a filename that doesn't match something on the CD seems to respond
> back with
> I also notice that I sometimes see wdc1:0:0: lost interrupt, but this is
> 2.0 and not current. Maybe I can put NetBSD on ZIP and try out kernels on
> this. Though I'd prefer to get my Wallstreet and Beige G3 to be happy.
OK, so I must have mistaken on somewhere. I'll retry to
boot from multi-boot CD. Thank you for your reply.