Subject: Re: need help with setting up serial link
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: Tomas D <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/29/2004 02:14:37
Greetings all!
thanx for reply Bill,
--- Bill Studenmund <> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 23, 2004 at 05:48:15AM -0800, Tomas D
> wrote:
> > Thanx for reply I found that communication
> settings
> > should be:
> > ~Bits per second: 9600
> > ~Data bits: 8
> > ~Parity: None
> > ~Stop bits: 1
> > ~Flow Control: Hardware
> > I just not sure what keys to put in cu... I found
> an
> > example with com port
> > # cu -l /dev/ttyS0 -s 9600
> > but I got db25male cable which is aka lpt port
> > cable...
> You need a null modem. Your cable hooks to a modem,
> not another computer.
> A null modem lets you hook two computers together.
> I'd suggest getting a
> laplink cable. It has a db9 and db25 on each end,
> and will let you hook
> any PCs together. You want to hook your cable to one
> of the db25 ends.
I found an adapter which I believe is a null modem
it's db25 male on one end and db25 female connector on
the other end I found some db9male-db25female
connectors but I guess they're no use since I need
db9female-db25female, well let's try to work this out
with what I've got, I've tried to connect computers in
the following way:
I've tried to connect to mac from i386 using windows
hyper terminal on which I had to choose from com1 and
com3 connection (as far as I know I'm not using com1
or com3, but lpt) I've tried com1 and com3 and both
said connected but nothing happened then I've tried
connect using cu on my netbsd machine but no luck
again. could you please tell me how to connect to my
mac from i386netbsd using cu, cause I believe there is
no way to connect through lpt using hyperterminal,
I've tried to look on the internet some programs for
windows which can connect through lpt but couldn't
find any. it might be that I'm not that familiar with
serial connections and having such problems...or
there's something wrong with my so called null
p.s. if there is no way to connect using db25 I will
have to buy db25-db9 null modem then which I really
don't want...
> > can anyone give me a hint how to check what tty
> should
> > be for lpt port?
> There is no tty for the parallel port - they are
> output only on NetBSD.
> You don't want to use that port..
> Take care,
> Bill
> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/pgp-signature
happy new year!
thanx tom
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