Subject: Re: need help with setting up serial link
To: Tomas D <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/23/2004 11:08:51
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On Thu, Dec 23, 2004 at 05:48:15AM -0800, Tomas D wrote:
> Thanx for reply I found that communication settings
> should be:=20
> ~Bits per second: 9600=20
> ~Data bits: 8=20
> ~Parity: None=20
> ~Stop bits: 1=20
> ~Flow Control: Hardware=20
> I just not sure what keys to put in cu... I found an
> example with com port
> # cu -l /dev/ttyS0 -s 9600
> but I got db25male cable which is aka lpt port
> cable...
You need a null modem. Your cable hooks to a modem, not another computer.=
A null modem lets you hook two computers together. I'd suggest getting a=20
laplink cable. It has a db9 and db25 on each end, and will let you hook=20
any PCs together. You want to hook your cable to one of the db25 ends.
> can anyone give me a hint how to check what tty should
> be for lpt port?
There is no tty for the parallel port - they are output only on NetBSD.=20
You don't want to use that port..
Take care,
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