Subject: Re: need help with setting up serial link
To: Tomas D <>
From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?\"Andr=E9_Skarzynski\"?= <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/23/2004 13:35:29
As you proberly know, ttya is the modem port and ttyb is the printer port.
The comms settings are 38,400 baud, 8 bits no parity, for OF.
I hope this helps for now.
On Thursday, December 23, 2004, at 11:03AM, Tomas D <> wrote:
>Hi, I just received db25 - mini din8 cable from us
>(cost me 16$ in total...) ok I'm ready to rock'n'roll
>apparently just one quick question... how to set up
>link between my i386 which has netbsd 2.0 on it and
>macppc 9500/200 which has macos on it which doesn't
>matter anyway. I know I have to use cu, but I don't
>know how to specify that I'm connecting from my
>printer port to printer/modem which are ttya and ttyb
>of my mac, I know that there should be bps and other
>settings specified which I found once on the maillist
>but I can't find today (usual stuff)... could you
>please help me with that thanx very much.
>happy xmas and new year to everyone
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