Subject: Re: NetBSD 2 onto a 9600/350
To: Bill Lovett <>
From: Michael <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/22/2004 11:25:40
> Hi everybody. I'm looking for some open firmware advice-- I've got a
> 9600/350 that doesn't want to boot into the NetBSD 2 installer.
> I've used System Disk to get into OF easily enough, and I've been
> following the instructions in the manual with regard to setting the
> boot device. If I try to boot from the scsi cdrom, the machine
> hangs. I can hear the drive spin up, however.
Did you get any output from any boot loader?
> I've noticed that I can't issue a show-children command in OF, I
> wonder if this is related. I also saw one guy in the archive from 2003
> who had similar circumstances, but no solution.
Almost certainly unrelated, I know of no OF 1.0.5 system where show-children actually works (well, this doesn't mean there are none though), it certainly doesn't on my S900, but I can boot NetBSD from CD without any problem. Didn't try the 2,0 isos though (I'm running current, upgraded by hand from 1.6.2), there were reports on this list that some(?) contain a faulty boot loader, I don't know if that's fixed by now. There are inofficial isos which are known to work, you might want to try some of these ( should all be in the mail archive ).
good luck