Subject: new cd-rw
To: None <>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/22/2004 08:37:46
ok, i got a Lite-On 52x cd burner for the mac. plugged into the second
channel of the ACard IDE controller.
i get this when i burn something:
mc0: underflow
cd0(acardide0:1:0): Check Condition on CDB: 0x43 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c 40
SENSE KEY: Illegal Request
ASC/ASCQ: Illegal Field in CDB
cd0(acardide0:1:0): Check Condition on CDB: 0x28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00
SENSE KEY: Illegal Request
ASC/ASCQ: Logical Block Address Out of Range
cd0: I/O error reading block zero
cd0(acardide0:1:0): Check Condition on CDB: 0x43 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c 40
SENSE KEY: Illegal Request
ASC/ASCQ: Illegal Field in CDB
a) is this anything to be concerned about?
b) the mc0: underflow is interesting, since as far as i can tell, i've never
gotten that out of mc0 before.
the other thing, is if i use a scratch space on the IDE HDD, i get all sorts
of interupt weirdness and then the machine needs to be powered off. if i use
the SCSI disk as scratch space, i have no issues.
i've got to run to work, so i'm just shooting this out quick for you guys to
think about until i get back. ;)
ps: i'm not ignoring you tim, i've just been swamped lately
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