Subject: -current kernel panic last week
To: None <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/20/2004 10:42:11
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I realized that to keep macppc healthy, I should start running -current=20
kernels. ;-)
So I compiled one last week, and it didn't work. I realize there are a lot=
of threads about new tests et al., but I wanted to post this separately.=20
It could well be the other patches will fix this issue. :-)
The kernel booted, got to the point of scanning scsi busses, failed to=20
find any of the four SCSI devices, then reported:
panic Stuck interupt 00001000/00001000
ext_intr + 0x1bc
trap_start + 0x014
do_pending_int + 0xc0
splx + 0x40
ltsleep + 0x1fc
usb_delay_ms + 0x88
usb_event_thread + 0x24
So it looks like the usb code was going to sleep, we enabled interrupts in=
splx, and do_pending messed something up.
This is on a beige G3 with 2.0 OF.
[usb is on an add-in card]
Take care,
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