Subject: Kernel testing
To: netbsd-macppc <port-macppc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/19/2004 16:49:43
after making dozens of test kernels and almost losing track of built-in features I started looking for something better.
What we'd need is a database where we can put test kernels, with a short description and the config file used to generate them attached, where users can download them and leave feedback so the developers get an overview about:
- which kernel works on what machine
- correlations between problems and hardware, compiled-in drivers and such
- how many people tried which kernel
... and users can:
- see what's in each kernel
- make sure their problem reports about specific kernels aren't lost
- see if a specific kernel addresses a specific problem
- select test kernels by hardware support and such
- make suggestions or request specific test kernels
Some feeble beginnings can be seen here:
Most things aren't implemented yet but kernel download should work.
- what do you think?
- which features did I miss?
- anything else?
have fun