Subject: Re: need testers
To: <>
From: Rudi Ludwig <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/19/2004 18:32:22
On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 02:19:19 -0500
Michael <> wrote:
> Hello,
> > and this one...
> >
> This one doesn't work on machines with UniNorth.
> Use
> instead. It contains all the sensor stuff, supports ADT7467 (iBook G4
> and others) and /may/ support ADM1030 (iBook G3 and others)
> controllers, I couldn't test the latter - no appropriate hardware.
> have fun
> Michael
tried the second one _b.bz2 on an iBook Dual USB. Didn't find a fan
though, but works and has an interesting sideeffect.
The redrawing problem from mozilla -which looked a little like
off-by-one pixel when scrolling downward- disappeared!
The only difference is the kernel, so I don't know what it is, but I
sure will stick to that one. (can sent dmesg if wanted)
Regarding the hardware. I entered open-firmware but found myself quite
lost there. I didn't do anything except setting boot-device and -file
in OF before, so my skills are rather limited.
dev /uni-n .properties
dev /uni-n/i2c .properties
which worked and revealed that there is a keywest i2c -well, no
surprise- but just guessing and trying didn't get me any further.
I would expect / hope that there was something like a list command in
OF that allowed to navigate the OF-tree.
Googled, and found (if I remember correctly) but
something like a short list with a handful of commands I didn't
find. Is there such a small HOWTO?