Subject: Re: GENERIC crash after pcmcia0:.... line
To: None <>
From: Chris Tribo <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/16/2004 09:35:18
I have 2.0 RC5 and 2.99.11 on my Wallstreet II and it doesn't do this.
Are you sure it didn't just turn the screen off and you have to up the
brightness with the brightness keys? I can try a 2.0 kernel and see if
it does this but I highly doubt it would. I have a PCMCIA card in one
socket, and a cardbus card in the other, the pcmcia card works fine,
but cardbus doesn't attach.
On Dec 16, 2004, at 3:08 AM, wrote:
> I have a 250MHz G3 mac laptop made in year 1998 with open firmware
> 2.0.x.
> I can't get into debugger because the computer shuts itself down after
> that line. I don't have any devices attached to the pcmcia bus.
> netbsd-INSTALL kernel boots fine on my computer. Has
> anyone else had this kind of a problem?
> Juha