Subject: Re: dual-boot question
To: Brian Hechinger <>
From: Michael <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/15/2004 10:53:27
> ok, i want to get OS9 onto this mac for testing/flashing purposes.
> i've got a spare 2G scsi disk sitting here on my desk to put it on.
> never having installed MacOS (any version) in my life, what do i need
> to do to make this happily co-exist with netbsd?
If each has its own disk - nothing. Just have the bootvars utility under MacOS if you want to avoid setting all the OF variables by hand every time you use MacOS.
> can i make the os9
> disk scsi id#1 and /AAPL,ROM will be able to boot from that?
Yes. I use a similar configuration, only the MacOS disk hangs on a different controller.
> (with of course having to fix OF before expecting netbsd to boot again, but i'm
> getting quite good at that *G*)
Use bootvars, save a config file and booting to NetBSD from MacOS will be just a doubleclick :)
> my primary concern is i don't want to hork netbsd.
MacOS will ignore the disk if there are no MacOS volumes on it, and you can always disable it in Drive Setup.
have fun