Subject: L2 CACHE
To: None <>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/06/2004 12:41:19
well, here is what i have in my config file:
i've tried it with and without the L2CR_L2WT, and that makes no difference.
when i boot, it hangs at bandit0 at mainbus0 and prints at the bottom of the
console (onboard video, how do i make the radeon console?) prints 'no active
package' and stays there.
in the log file, i see bandit0 at mainbus0 and on the next line is a whole
lot of p characters followed by a whole lot of t characters.
what could i be doing wrong? that other option you told me to set wasn't
declared in any of the header files, so i took it out, tim.
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Knowing it doesn't make it any easier. It's just broken-as-designed."