Subject: Re: results of the IRC debug patch
To: Michael <>
From: Tim Kelly <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/04/2004 18:55:45
At 6:47 PM -0500 12/4/04, Michael wrote:
>> Actually, it needs a bit of massaging. Code needs to be added to examine
>> and enable the backside cache. I'll try to get that to you soon, or at
>> least to Michael so he can get a kernel to you.
>Which backside cache? He said his processor is a simple 604e, but the
>kernel sees a 604ev.
It won't affect him then, but it only took modifying what CPUs have
backside caches probed to include 604ev, which was not in Allen's patch. If
it's a stock 604ev that comes with the 8600/9600, the L2 will get enabled
by OF. If it is aftermarket it may not have the L2 node with it, in which
case OF won't enable it.