Subject: Re: results of the IRC debug patch
To: Michael <>
From: Tim Kelly <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/04/2004 08:28:02
At 8:18 AM -0500 12/4/04, Michael wrote:
>Well, it /is/ related.
>this change
>#if 0
> if (virq[irq])
> return virq[irq];
>leads to everything behind the PCI bridge ( and all the USB controllers )
>in my S900 which share IRQ 25 >getting an own virq assigned which
>apparently doesn't work - changing the #if 0 to 1 or removing it >allows
>USB to work again.
Ugh. Didn't see that one coming. I'd like to figure out if some code was
removed that differentiated between the interrupt types when determining
the irq handler to call. When esp and mace share the same virq 2, I don't
see how mace's handlers get called if the virq to be processed is 2.
But if we could get some real support for this port amateurs like myself
wouldn't be trying to fix things.