Subject: An Oldie but a Goodie - Steps to Install NETBSD 1.6.2 on PowerMac 7500
To: None <port-macppc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/27/2004 21:23:31
(I'm mainly putting this here so I don't forget...)
Steps to get NETBSD 1.6.2 Running on PowerMac 7500
- install G3 Daughtercard. 60x processors are unsupported my friend
- boot into MacOS on target machine (hope you still have macos on there!)
- download apple systemdisk
- apply "systemdisk-of105-patch.hqx" to the systemdisk
- run the resulting system disk created in previous step
- select openfirmware icon, click advanced, check off box next to video and keyboard. check off "halt at OF" box (these are the bottom two checkboxes in the advanced window
- ok, save, reboot
- if you did the previous steps correctly you should see an OF (open firmware) prompt
- at OF type "setenv real-base F00000"
- at OF type "setenv load-base 600000"
- at OF type "reset-all"
- download netbsd macppc boot disk images (boot1.fs, boot2.fs) to unix box (you must have a dusty i386 somewhere eh?)
- on unix machine make floppies with commands:
dd if=boot1.fs of=/dev/rfd0a bs=36k
dd if=boot2.fs of=/dev/rfd0a bs=36k
- put install floppy #1 in your mac and type "boot fd:0" at the OF prompt
- do your install
- after install goto utilites menu, /bin/sh
- at shell prompt mount your harddrive. Example command:
mount /dev/sd0a /mnt
- copy /usr/mdec/ofwboot to /mnt
- issue installboot command:
installboot -v -m macppc -t ffs /dev/rsd0a /usr/mdec/bootxx /ofwboot
- you should see a successful "Writing Bootstrap message" if it worked
- issue "reboot" command at shell prompt
- OF prompt should come back up
- at OF type "setenv boot-device scsi-int/sd@0:0
- at OF type "boot"
- BSD should come up in single user mode. If it doesn't come up, make sure your real-base and load-base are still set correctly in OF
- remount / in read-write with command:
mount /dev/sd0a /
- cd to etc and use ed command to edit rc.conf to say rc configured = YES
- reboot
- type boot at OF
- if you got this to work you are displaying good hacking skills. rock on.
Random Bookmarks:
installboot man page:
Google the macppc mailinglist:
Fundamentals of OpenFirmware:
NetBSD/macppc Frequently Asked Questions