Subject: Re: DDB techniques
To: None <>
From: Jonathan A. Kollasch <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/11/2004 21:31:58
On Thursday, November 11, 2004 08:37 pm, Tim Kelly wrote:
> isn't wired. How do I drop into ddb?
the key combo is openapple+reset (basically like the ctrl+alt+del for Mac: 
ctrl+openapple+reset but without the ctrl)
(if it makes a difference this is ADB)
(now if this were a i386 it'd be ctrl+alt+esc)

> Second, once I'm in, how do I get back out? ...
db> continue

the system clock (ie the return of the time() function) won't increment while 
you're in ddb so reset the clock ahead to the correct time afterwards 

	Jonathan Kollasch