Subject: Re: mesh timeout errors on 9500
To: Chris Tribo <>
From: Michael <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/24/2004 18:27:21
> > stable for me. Did you change the flags field in the kernel config? (
> > mesh0 at obio? flags 0xffff or so ) ? As far as I know these flags
> > disable synchronous data transfers for all targets, I had all sorts of
> > weird problems - pretty similar to yours - when I changed them. I've
> > asked on this list what's wrong with the mesh driver and why we have to
> > bog it down like that but didn't get any answer.
> I've only ever used async targets on mesh so far. I'll try to hook
> up a hard drive to it on my beige g3 when I get a chance and see if I can
> make it break. I remember getting sd0 cache synchronization failed from my
> ZIP drive but that thing is a hunk of junk anyway.
You'll see all kinds of weird errors, but apparently MacOS manages to use synchronous transfers with it so it must be something in the driver.
I'm getting these synchronization errors on my ZIP too, even in asynchronous mode.
> I had an ATTO card that should be OFW bootable that was an esiop
> board. My understanding is that Apple and Sun OpenPROM fcode is
> interchangeable; which is how Apple has the LSI Fusion MPT FiberChannel
> cards to power the Xraid. I don't remember any success or unsuccessful
> reports to the list mail though.
Thanks, so I'll also look for a Sun ROM image and see what I can find about ATTO, for some reason you hardly find any real hardware information on products for macs :/
have fun