Subject: mesh timeout errors on 9500
To: netbsd-macppc <port-macppc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Riccardo Mottola <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/24/2004 12:22:48
somebody else suffers from
mesh0: timeout state 3
mesh: resetting DMA
I think I already mentioned this once... The disk is correctly
terminated (and obviously connected to the internal controller). I have
2 disks, cone macos and one NetBSD. I disovered that by swapping the two
disks and so making the NetBSD one closer to the beginning lesses the
frequencies of those errors, making the box almost usable...
I'm running 2.0 from releng (some weeks old for sure) and didn't compile
anything myself.
The box is a 9500 and runs fine with MacOS (also after the disk swap).
This problem is very annoying since sometimes it locks up completely the
Usually it happens when I have some rather high disk load (but not
excessive!), like checking out a CVS tree or compiling.
I experience something very similar on Mac68k, using plain 1.6.2: on a
very full scsi chain (which works perfectly under macOS amd even Linux)
netbsd reports errors as hell on disk, even if I use a high-grade active
termination. making the disk the only external disk (well, the box has 1
scsi bus anyway) lessened the problem. So the explanation that the "68k
scsi driver is buggy" might not be that satisfactory.
I see that John Klos also reports many unstabilities and problems with
2.0. I myself didn't experience kernel panics yet, even after several
hours of compilation. This added with the mc0 unusability makes me
think that 2.0 is not that perfect yet. When should it be due ? For
MacPPC for sure it needs further testing.
Another small note: I upgraded my 604 processor to 604e and it gets
incorrectly reported to 604ev. I remember this popping up on the list
here some time ago. Has it been fixed in the meanwhile?
It is 2 days I attempt to connect via ftp to but it
seems down: I wanted to update my kernel and check out for new stuff.
Other expereince problems too ?