Subject: chroot into linux-emulation
To: None <>
From: Rudi Ludwig <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/23/2004 19:16:58
Hello all:
I installed ../emulators/suse_base and _x11 on my Ibook with NetBSD 2.0
from sometime in September.
>> When i now try to do changeroot:
root@ibook:/# chroot /emul/linux /bin/bash
>> I get
I have no name!@ibook:/#
>> and a simple ls yields
bash: ls: command not found
>> however
I have no name!@ibook:/# uname -a
>> gives
Linux ibook 2.4.18 #0 Wed Feb 20 20:00:02 CET 2002 macppc unknown
So what did I miss? Anyone tried something similar?
The "I have no name!" account seems quite strange.
The ultimate goal is to install open-office (linuxppc) binary e.g. as
from yellowdog in a changerooted linux environment so that the install-
script can see the linux libraries it expectes to find in /lib.
Could this work that way?