Subject: Re: mac 6360 boot woes
To: Brian R. Gaeke <brg@dgate.ORG>
From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Timo_Sch=F6ler?= <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/05/2004 23:35:48
>> Even with the standard cmd+opt+o+f the box just screams on by and
>> starts the BSD boot process. I'm about to just find a nice cozy =
>> can for the thing if I don't resolve this in a couple days. hehehe =
>> was just hoping to get myself a nice router out of this deal.
> I wonder whether Command-Option-P-R to zap the parameter RAM would=20
> help?
> Maybe it would clear the boot-auto setting. (I say this not having=20
> tried it
> myself.)
> -Brian
IIRC zapping the PRAM by Command-Option-P-R only deletes the upper 256=20=
bytes of the 512 bytes the PRAM consists of. you may try deleting it=20
via TechTool (e.g.), which has the ability to zap the complete 512=20
bytes (and make a backup of the existing entries, if you like).
but i am not sure whether these special OF settings are kept in PRAM --=20=
but it's surely worth a try...
mit vorz=FCglichster Hochachtung/best regards,
Timo Sch=F6ler
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