Subject: Re: X out of sync on Power Mac G4 with Radeon 9000
To: m. kolb <>
From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Timo_Sch=F6ler?= <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/10/2004 15:03:05
>> has anybody X running on a Power Mac using a Radeon? Is there
>> something
>> to tweak?
> I have it working on my g4 quicksilver with the stock Radeon 7500.
> There was a time when I needed to use a patched radeon driver from
> A.Briggs, but that time has passed. I just use the stock build and it
> works fine. Here is my XF86Config file:
i tried it with a home-build -current (as of 20040906). it turned out
not to function on both my G4 w/Radeon 9000 and my girlfriends G3 b&w
w/Radeon 8500 (same 'error' or 'phenomenon', call it as you like ;).
i put the original Rage 128 Pro (is detected as 'Rage Fury MAXX blah')
-- reports broken pipe. okay.
i just set up the G4 with 1.6.2 and am building a new STABLE kernel
right now. going to test X the next hour or so.
we'll see (or not) :D
thanks for your help and your XF86Config post!
mit vorzueglichster Hochachtung/best regards,
Timo Schoeler
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