Subject: Re: Booting CD-ROM via Snag "C"
To: port-macppc <>
From: Markus W Kilbinger <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/05/2004 21:21:37
>>>>> "Bob" == Bob Nestor <> writes:
Bob> Basically Openfirmware in newer model Macs doesn't appear to
Bob> enable screen output by default as older versions did. The
Bob> solution is to add the following command to the bootscript
Bob> file right before the boot command:
Bob> " screen" output
Good news! Adding this to my PB G4 (Titanum, OFW3) ofw's
"boot-command" made it now auto-boot capable! :-)
-> Worth to mention in the macppc doc/faq?
Thanks, Markus.