Subject: Re: Powerbook G4 doesn't boot
To: davide <>
From: Tim Kelly <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/01/2004 08:37:39
Hi Dave,
> Thank you very much for your patience! You've been very kind.
> But these commands' otputs still are very very long...
That's odd. Could you send them to me offline?
> BTW I found the solution. The kernel I had put in my custom CD
> was netbsd-GENERIC_MD.gz. I had changed its name to
> netbsd.macppc but I had forgotten to gunzip it... I've been *a bit*
> silly ;-)!
> Now I tried netbsd-INSTALL.gz and it works. I'm happy :-)!
Well, that's kind of interesting, too, because I am under the impression
that non-compressed kernels are treated as "transparent" in bootloader
zlib stuff.
> Thanks again for your help... I think it will soon be useful to me...
> Davide
No problem - but ideally you won't need my suggestions :-)