Subject: Re: macppc boot process.
To: Tim Kelly <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/30/2004 14:13:38
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On Mon, Aug 30, 2004 at 12:23:03PM -0400, Tim Kelly wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Aug 2004 12:59:01 -0700
> Bill Studenmund <> wrote:
> > Offset 0?? Don't do that. ;-) You'll have that msdos partition
> > overwriting the Apple Partition Map, and who knows what else will be
> > messed up.
> >=20
> > I'd suggest using Apple tools to partition the disk, incluiding a 2 MB
> > partition to be the MSDOS partition. Then set up an MBR that has a FAT
> > partition that exactly matches the one you have in the APM.
> >=20
> > Take care,
> >=20
> > Bill
> Ok, good advice that I will explore. However, is it that OF 1.0.5 can
> not read HFS, or is that it can not read Apple Partition Maps (before=20
> even getting to an HFS partition)?
It's more that if you have multiple partitioning methods in use, you=20
REALLY should have them agreeing about what partitions are where. If you=20
fail to do that, you will open yourself up to all sorts of problems.
Take care,
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