Subject: Re: X working, need mouse
To: None <>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/28/2004 12:52:25
On Sat, Aug 28, 2004 at 12:14:50PM -0400, Brian Hechinger wrote:
> hmmm, i think i have X using /dev/wsmouse, let me change that to /dev/wsmouse0
> and see what happens.
ok, here's the update.
the trackball still does not work, however, that isn't a major issue, since i
need to solve the following issues first.
the X server does one of two things when i start it.
a) it starts, blackbox loads, then the screen turns off, then back on, then
back off, then back on, etc, until i ^C the startx session (done from a
telnet session) and it all shuts down.
b) it gets as far as xf86OpenConsole and then hangs the machine. i have to
power it off and turn it back on.
the annoying part is OF doesn't use the matrox as console, so i need to plug
the Apple monitor back in to see console output.
what do i need to do to get this working?
"The cats tend to administer themselves, and contrary to the expected facts,
the house and everything in it was installed for their benefit." -- Nic Clews