Subject: Re: macppc boot process.
To: None <>
From: Izumi Tsutsui <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/26/2004 22:00:33
In article <p05210605bd52b0240581@[]> wrote:
> It would be a very bad move to exclude APM support, and it would go
> against pretty much everything I've come to expect from NetBSD, and
> would make NetBSD just another i386-centric unix-wannabe. There's
> plenty of those already, thank you. Support for coexisting with APM
> is consistent with i386's MBR support.
Well, I think FDISK/MBR is not i386 specific. Actually OF
(and some other machines like PReP) can recognize it.
I guess the problem here is currently there is no way to make
a fresh disk bootable on OF3 machines if we use the method
"boot from HFS," and "booting from MS-DOS fs" is the only (easy) way
to make it possible. "FDISK or APM" is not the matter here.
(I don't know if bootxx method works or not on OF3 machines, though)
As I wrote in other post, it's the best solution to have HFS support
in kernel and userland, but adding some tools like hfsutils or
HFS version of makefs(8) (which is a userland tool to make ffs)
could solve the problem...
Izumi Tsutsui