Subject: Re: Cyrus/Postfix/spamassasin setup for NetBSD ?
To: None <>
From: Miles Nordin <carton@Ivy.NET>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/19/2004 04:35:36
>>>>> "nse" == Niels S Eliasen <> writes:
nse> Subject: Re: Cyrus/Postfix/spamassasin setup for NetBSD ?
This will tell you how to set up Postfix and spamassassin, using
amavis as glue. He installs everything by hand---on NetBSD, you
should be able to get all those pieces from pkgsrc.
Maybe you should also read the Postfix docs that come with Amavis,
because they will add at least one thing to the above
uncharacteristically excellent HOWTO: how to make Postfix respond to
Amavis's command to move uncompress-bombs into the Hold queue.
There is some cyrus HOWTO linked from, but I haven't
read it yet:
I'm working on the same problem, and that's how far I've gotten so
far. There are plenty of documents out there. However the NetBSD
documentation is not NetBSD-specific because there are no RPMs or
similar garbage with NetBSD. It is all pretty Unix-flavor-agnostic I
Also, you do not need Amavis. That's fancy. You can use spamassassin
with procmail running under an ordinary user account if that's all you
My thing is, I think at a small site where your machinery is fast
enough to do it, you should reject spam, not bounce it, not deliver it
to the user marked. Delivering spam with Subject: markings is no good
because if you ask yourself to weed a ``spam purgatory,'' you'll have
more false positives yourself than spamassassin, so really it is more
polite to offload the burden of false positives to the sender than to
accidentally and silently delete his or her message. And bouncing is
not acceptable because of ``backscatter'' caused by forged return
addresses. Rejecting is best, and AFAICT you need something like
Amavis to do it.
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-- Georg Dimitrov