Subject: Re: shitty performance on my PB G4
To: orientalsoul <>
From: Paul Frommeyer <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/12/2004 01:28:00
In reply to your message of Tue, 10 Aug 2004 23:45:53 PDT:
| What happened to the whole stable FreeBSD platform that this OS was built on?

Um, OS X is built on an operating system called Darwin.

Darwin shares architectural and ancestral commons with the related
operating systems FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and, well, anything that's
BSD-related. :-)

As to your specific problems, I must agree with Mr. Klos: you've got
a heap o' hardware trouble there. Apple turned my G3 PowerBook around in
about a week for warranty service, but as always YMMV.

                          Paul "Corwin" Frommeyer
             Work         Internet Engineer, CCIE               Play
     Senior Network Engineer                          Network Sorcerer At Large
   Deskey Integrated Branding                            Paul's Fone Company                      
          *** Speaking solely for myself unless otherwise noted ***