Subject: Re: new 8600 motherboard
To: None <>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/09/2004 07:56:34
On Thu, Aug 05, 2004 at 05:42:45PM +0200, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> If you can't boot from IDE, the kernel needs to be on SCSI too. The bootblocks
> use openfirmware to load the kernel.
ok, not a problem.
> Alpha is little endian too. You need a sparc, or sgimips :)
Duh, i know that. ;)
> But it shouldn't be a problem to do pc -> mac, can do it for the
> boot floppies so the tools exists.
ok, well, here's where i'm at. i've given up on netbooting for the moment,
so this might be my next step. before that, however, i'm going to try this
new cd-rom drive and see if i can get booted from the 1.6.2 CD.
0 > boot cd:,ofwboot.xcf;1 netbsd.macppc;1
RESETing to change Configuration!
at which point i have to power it off and hold option-apple-o-f to get it back
to the OF prompt. how do i boot from the cdrom drive? this is 1.0.5
"The cats tend to administer themselves, and contrary to the expected facts,
the house and everything in it was installed for their benefit." -- Nic Clews