Subject: Re: XFree86, more updates
To: Riccardo Mottola <>
From: Michael <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/27/2004 12:38:07
>> checks when mapping things - this works well on x86 but fails horribly
>> on macppc. This leaves two possible solutions - hack XFree to use
>> /dev/mem for screen memory access or hack the ofb driver to allow more
>> memory mappings - like the vga driver does. The cleaner solution is
>> obviously to hack ofb and send-pr the result instead of buggering
>> XFree.
> I think hacking the wscons/ofb part is better and will help future
> compatibility with newer releases of X free (or other X implementations
> too)
Hmm, maybe providing some sort of compatibility to Linux framebuffer
devices ( or at least an interface that's consistent though all NetBSD
platforms so Xmacppc for instance could run anywhere ) would be a good
thing, although wsdisplay already provides the right kind of
abstraction, it just doesn't expose all functionality XFree needs.
Maybe it would also be a good (but low priority ) idea to implement
native framebuffer drivers - ofb only attaches to devices which were
correctly configured by OF, it works for my Voodoo3, but it ignores my
Millennium I ( well, that could be a bug in the Millennium's firmware -
it seems to dislike sitting behind a PCI bridge ). Such native drivers
would allow XFree ( or anything else ) to use cards that aren't
supported by OF...
But something completely different - I started hacking the tdfx DRM
module - I have absolutely no idea how the source that came with XFree
could ever compile on any NetBSD system - got it compiled but modload
complains about it being for a different kernel version... so I have to
figure out where the source gets its version info from, can't be the
kernel source or it would match.
have fun