Subject: Re: my 8600
To: Michael <>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/15/2004 15:35:02
On Thu, Jul 15, 2004 at 03:29:38PM -0400, Michael wrote:
> Do you have any CPU-specific optimization stuff in CFLAGS or so?

i haven't added anything.  does pkgsrc have anything that it adds automatically?

> I had exactly the same error on a 604e box running AIX - removing -O2 
> and -mcpu=604e from CFLAGS cured the problem and allowed perl to build 

interesting.  let me see if i can convince it to not use -O2 which it looks
like it was using.  speaking of which, what would good flags be for my machine
with its G3 Sonnet card?

> - maybe not as fast as it could be but at least working. Didn't have 
> this on my G3 though, seems to be a bug in gcc.

you mean perl is every fast?  ;)

"Performing a Google search on the fairly unique name you've chosen weeks
ago for a piece of software you're writing, only to discover that the
sole occurance of that name is as a pen-name for someone who spends his
spare time writing X-rated PowerPuff Girls fan fiction is pretty-much a
buzzkill."				-- Jonathan Patschke --