Subject: 8600 explodes with 2.0BETA as well
To: None <>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/14/2004 14:24:06
running the 2.0BETA 0709 snapshot, this happens while untarring a bunch of
panic: pmap_pvo_to_pte: pvo 0x16e7660: pvo pte does not match pte 0x93e988 in pmap_pteg_table
Stopped in pid 12.1 (aiodoned) at netbsd:cpu_Debugger+0x10: lwz r0, r1, 0x14
db> trace
0xd5224d60: at panic+0x19c
0xd5224df0: at pmap_pvo_to_pte+0x88
0xd5224e00: at pmap_pvo_remove+0x5c
0xd5224e20: at pmap_remove+0x8c
0xd5224e40: at pmap_kremove+0x34
0xd5224e50: at uvm_pagermapout+0x38
0xd5224e80: at uvm_aio_aiodone+0xdc
0xd5224ef0: at uvm_aiodone_daemon+0xfc
0xd5224f40: at cpu_switchto+0x44
0xd5224f50: at in_maxmtu+0xff278d18
i guess i'll try -current now and see how far i get with that. i think i'm
going to end up trading this 8600 in for a Sun Ultra 10 though. I'm tired of
this nonsense.
"Performing a Google search on the fairly unique name you've chosen weeks
ago for a piece of software you're writing, only to discover that the
sole occurance of that name is as a pen-name for someone who spends his
spare time writing X-rated PowerPuff Girls fan fiction is pretty-much a
buzzkill." -- Jonathan Patschke --