Subject: COMPAT_LINUX on NetBSD 2.0e
To: None <>
From: Andreas Drewke <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/12/2004 11:23:34
cd /usr/pkgsrc/emulators/suse_compat
make install
ends with something linke /usr/pkg/emul/linux/sbin/ldconfig ...
signal 4 catched...
Its the same if I start some other linux binaries like e.g.: ./uname
i always get segmentation faults, no matter if its the generic kernel from
2.0beta releases or a own one with COMPAT_LINUX
The machine itself seems to work stable now
I got no more crashes, after removing a currupt memory module
1. I really would like to use some java :)
Any ideas? How can I track down the problem?
2. What can actually happen (int the worst case) if I run the 2nd Level
Cache of my G3 to fast? Well i run it very conservative yet :)
its a sonnet g3 400 512 kb and I guess it runs correctly with this one:
www: / icq:175089452
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