Subject: Re: anyone with a working XF86Config for an iBook?
To: Luke Mewburn <>
From: Ronald van der Pol <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/21/2004 11:22:05
On Wed, Apr 21, 2004 at 18:30:38 +1000, Luke Mewburn wrote:
> Is it in for warranty repair?
Yes :-) Or rather :-( A few weeks ago the motherboard got replaced
because it died (I have one of the faulty batch). But on return the
backlight turned out to be flaky. It got dimmer, brighter, turned
off, turned on, etc. all by itself (that was already happening before
I started playing with NetBSD). I hope it will be returned within
two weeks. Last time it took more than a month.