Subject: 1.6.1 install on iBook G3
To: None <>
From: Axel Scheepers <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/18/2004 13:09:25
Hi All,
After spending some time with OSX, Debian Linux and OpenBSD on my iBook
I wanted to try NetBSD on it. I can boot the install cd from openfirmare
using 'boot cd:,\ofwboot.xcf' and it boots normally to the install prompt.
The problem is that at this point my keyboard is dead; I'm unable to
install from the console. This type doesn't have a serial port, so I'm
kinda stuck now.
The keyboard is an adb bus type one, I don't see any messages about
problems with it when it boots. (but I can't scroll up all the way to be
exactly sure)
For now, I asked a collegue to bring me a usb-keyboard, so I can install it.
I'm curious if someone else experienced similar problems, and if I can
get around it by building a custom kernel? (I have to return the
keyboard within a couple of days)
I can't seem to find any relevant posts about it.
Could you please cc any replies? I'm not on this list yet.