Subject: -current macppc_installboot?
To: None <>
From: MLH <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/11/2004 18:15:55
I am trying to install NetBsd-current on a G4 via cdrom. I pulled
down a releng -current release (since my -current of a couple of
days ago doesn't build and none of the cvs servers I tried are
currently available) and followed the instructions at :
Unfortunately, the releng release don't include the macppc_installboot
or ofwboot mentioned in the documentation. Since a bootable cd
apparently can't be built from a releng release, might someone be
able to send me these files so I can cut a cd?
Alternately, does anyone have a method for creating a bootable cd
for macppc using just the releng releases?