Subject: Re: Latest deal on -current?
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: Alex Zepeda <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/27/2004 14:18:01
On Mon, Jan 26, 2004 at 01:22:45PM -0800, Bill Studenmund wrote:
> For 2.X and 1.x OF, I thought we recomended 600000 for load-base. But that
> shouldn't matter for this..
That's probably what it is then.. I didn't actually check, but I did set
it to whatever the recommended values.
> Then you have a different problem. This issue is that the loading kernel
> will overwrite ofwboot.xcf while it's being loaded. The load of course has
> issues with this. :-)
I figured as much, since I haven't been able to boot for a while.
Where to go from here tho?
- alex