Subject: Window manager for Xmacppc
To: None <>
From: Thomas Miller <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/14/2004 07:42:20
On a Powermac 7300/200 I thought I might try using the
tvtwm window manager as a workaround for Xmacppc's
640x480 limitation.
Is there a better workaround than tvtwm (aside from
installing a video card)?
I am using NetBSD-1.6. When I run
# startx
Xmacppc seems to run just fine using twm. This is
out-of-the-box without any configuration. I built
tvtwm from pkgsrc/wm, but I don't know how to tell
Xmacppc to use tvtwm instead of twm.
# man xmacppc
man: no entry for xmacppc in the manual.
# man Xmacppc
man: no entry for Xmacppc in the manual.
# exit
How to I tell Xmacppc to use tvtwm?
Is there Xmacppc documentation? If yes, where?