Subject: Re: macppc port "unstable" in -current
To: None <>
From: Ian Fry <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/02/2004 18:28:23
On Thu, Jan 01, 2004 at 06:13:04PM +0100, Aymeric Vincent wrote:
> NetBSD/macppc -current is currently unstable. I didn't see a kernel
> panic in a while, but a lot of programs dump core now and then.
> I saw core dumps of sh, cron, and ld recently. Some of them were
> signal 11, others were signal 4 (illegal instruction).
> As such instability has been reported here a few weeks ago, and my
> iBook runs very fine under 1.6.1 and MacOS X, I don't think it's a
> hardware problem.
Yes, I've seen this too, only my iBook running -current. In fact, it seems
to be something that has changed since 1.6ZF (or, at least, it happens
pretty regularly with ZG, but I don't remember seeing it at all with ZF).