Subject: Re: ofwboot.xcf, continued
To: John Klos <>
From: Tobias Seiler <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/16/2003 04:30:42
Hi John,
I had the same problem today with a UMAX Pulsar/S900.
I found that the releng kernel from the October 17 is loading and
I'm just compiling bash2 from pkgsrc on that machine.
regs Tobias
On Sat, 15 Nov 2003 19:32:32 -0500 (EST), John Klos wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm interested in looking at -current on a now local macppc machine, but
> while I can boot the install kernel and do a full install (releng,
> 20031112 build), I cannot boot the current kernel afterwards.
> OF_open bootpath=scsi/sd@0
> read stage 2 blocks: 0123456. done!
> starting stage 2...
>>> NetBSD/macppc OpenFirmware Boot, Revision 1.7
>>> (, Thu Nov 13 12:45:49 UTC 2003)
> no active package4551004+281616 [224576+197973DEFAULT CATCH!, code=FFF00700
> Open Firmware, 1.0.5
> To continue booting the MacOS type:
> BYE<return>
> To continue booting from the default boot device type:
> BOOT<return>
> ok
> 0 >
> Is this related to other people's problems with ofwboot.xcf?
> I want to try out -current because I am still seeing otherwise solid
> systems lock up when the amount of backlogged network connections on
> Apache is too high. I wish I could be more specific, but it's hard to
> duplicate locally 30 - 40 Mbps of web traffic and 250 Apache daemons all
> writing simultaneously. My 333 MHz iMac just doesn't seem to be able to do
> it on its own.
> Also, I might have some more details if I could ever get a macppc machine
> to give me a crash dump. Is anyone willing to try to help me get a
> crashdump clue?
> John Klos
> Sixgirls Computing Las
> --
> As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of
> corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country
> will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the
> people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is
> destroyed. -President Abraham Lincoln