Subject: Re: Default console font
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/05/2003 19:25:44
>> Might I suggest changing the default console font to FONT_VT220L8x16?
>> It looks a LOT better than the Gallant font on a Mac screen.
> 1) if it's the dimensions in characters that bother you, see how
> wscons finds the screen size in pixels and how it converts that to
> a number of characters, and fix the code if necessary.
Well, I'm going to stick my neck out a little here and say that...
- wscons knows the screen size in pixels because the framebuffer driver
tells it that when it hooks it up with wscons.
- the driver's wscons setup also passes a maximum size in characters.
- wscons divides the screen size in pixels by the font size in pixels
and uses the smaller of that value and the value passed by the
> Under 1.5 the behavior is not obvious -- I get strange margins at
> certain screen resolutions.
As I recall, wscons also aligns things to 32-bit boundaries, which
(depending on screen depth) may mean anywhere from nothing to 32-pixel
alignment. Except for that, wscons centres the character area with
respect to eh pixel area.
> Unfortunately I haven't looked through wscons enough. I don't even
> know who could explain it.
It actually isn't all _that_ difficult to follow the code. You just
need to be prepared to grep around to find where something is called a
few times. dev/tc/cfb.c is a decent example of a wscons framebuffer
driver exhibiting the above....
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