Subject: Re: PC PCI ethernet cards in G3?
To: None <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/25/2003 12:18:47
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On Mon, Oct 20, 2003 at 03:26:56PM +0300, wrote:
> > Good noon (o;
> >=20
> >=20
> > Someone tried to use PCI ethernet cards for PC in a G3 tower mac?
NetBSD's PCI support tries very hard to work for all PCI busses. So it=20
shouldn't matter what the card was designed for, it should just work.
> Well...replaced the broken bm0 with a cheap Realtek PCI card...
Please don't recomend Reaktek cards to anyone. While the PCI ones don't=20
seem to be as much crap as the ISA ones were. they aren't very good.
3COM cards are good, and the Intel cards are very good. The 10/100 Intel=20
use the fxp driver, and the GigE ones use wm.
I'm using an i82540EM in my Beige G3, and it works well. Since you can get=
these cards for less than $50, I can't recomend people buy just 10/100=20
cards anymore. :-)
Take care,
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