Subject: Re: Recent macppc kernels hang under load
To: None <>
From: Ian Fry <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/30/2003 12:25:57
On Sun, Sep 28, 2003 at 05:10:39PM -0700, Chuck Silvers wrote:
> > I can't remember when this started happening, but the only time I see this
> > is trying to build Mozilla - just a plain 'make' is enough to trigger the
> > problem for me.
> well, I tried a bunch of tests this this afternoon and I couldn't get
> anything to fail with SIGILLs or anything like that. could you guys
> give some more details on exactly what goes wrong and what the machine
> is doing when it happens?
I gave some more details in one of my previous messages, but, to
summarise, I have the following running on the machine when the Xserver
gets killed with a SIGILL:
o X
o WindowMaker
o 1 xterm, with a 'make' of pkgsrc/www/mozilla
o vncviewer
o xconsole
o some daemons (amd is the only one that could be a factor, as I use it
to auto-mount source trees from a server on the network)
I do get a core file for the Xserver, but I'm not sure how useful it'll
be, as I'm pretty sure that it's not the Xserver that causes the crash :(
> building mozilla dies pretty early with:
> [snip]
> looks like mozilla needs to be updated for gcc 3.3.1.
I haven't updated to a gcc3 userland yet, so I'm still compiling with
2.95.3. I'll have another go tonight with a gcc3 compiled kernel. If the
problem still exists, I'll keep any core files etc, just in case you need