Subject: bind problems on macppc on NetBSD 1.6.1
To: None <>
From: Don Lee <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/18/2003 14:46:40
When I installed NetBSD 1.6.1 on my Beige G3 (OF 2.4! Yay!) I
ran into a problem with bind (named) with lots of
spurious errors. I don't remember the details, but it complained
constantly about corrupted replies from known-good servers.
The best advice about this that I could
find was to upgrade bind to the latest from ISC, which I did.
Now I get a small (and tolerable) number of complaints in the
log about IPv6 connectivity.
My question: Given that I didn't do anything special, I have to
assume that this problem exists with all MacPPC Netbsd 1.6.1
Now that the OpenSSH vulnerability is helping drive the release of
NetBSD 1.6.2, is this problem with bind being addressed???
Please tell me it will be fixed in NetBSD 1.6.2.