Subject: AWACS update
To: None <>
From: Alex Zepeda <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/06/2003 18:53:36
*tap* *tap* *tap*
Is this thing on?
Alright, I'm not sure who's still paying attention. Hopefully someone
else is as thrilled to have reasonable sound support on their Beige G3.
More diffs at
Auto-mute works. If you plug speakers into the computer, it'll mute the
speaker, if you don't it'll play through the internal speaker. mixerctrl
of course can override this. But otherwise there's no real volume control
to speak of (that's why you have a knob on your speakers.. right??).
I think I did a pretty decent job at not stepping all over the non-SGS
equipped Macs, but I don't have one to test with.
Updated the todo list.
- alex