Subject: followup on booting a Beige G3
To: None <>
From: Alex Zepeda <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/20/2003 21:01:06
Alright.  Got it installed.  Now I'm working on a bootable CD with a
reasonable kernel.  Had to hold down Cmd-Opt-P-R and re-run System Disk.  
Go figure.  Whether or not OF will recogize any of the disks seems so

So far I've found that to get OF 2.0f1 to see the ISO filesystem, I need 
to append a semi-colon to the filename.  So the boot line suddenly looks 
like this:

boot ide1/disk@0:0,OFWBOOT.XCF;1 NETBSD.MACPPC;1

Otherwise it complains about ofwboot being an unrecognized client.

Oops.. accidentally booted into another MacOS partition and OF is back to 
not recognizing any of my disks.. grr.

- alex