Subject: Re: zTerm
To: Matt R <>
From: John Klos <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/06/2003 20:06:18
> I've finally dug up my old serial cable and am ready to tackle my 7500.
> It has been upgraded to a 604 proc.
Good old machine.
> Any way, I am currently having issues--I am using a PB5300 as the
> terminal machine. I am having issues with zterm.
> How do I configure zterm to work properly?
9600 baud, no handshaking. The PowerBook only has one serial port, right?
So zterm should only have that port as an option. Make sure AppleTalk
isn't on using that port, either.
If that fails, you might have the wrong kind of serial cable. What kind is
it? What had it been used for?
John Klos
Sixgirls Computing Labs