Subject: MacPPC panic/crash - resolved
To: None <>
From: Donald Lee <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/24/2003 08:40:55
I reseated the memory and CPU (zif socket), and the problem has not recurred.
I think it was a poor connection.
Sorry to waste BW.
On 7/21/03, Donald Lee wrote:
>It crashed again this morning/last night (not sure when)
>Symptoms are different. Traceback different. Smells like
>HW. Reseat memory, CPU, ROM - lather, rinse, repeat.
>Sorry to bother everyone....
>At 9:26 AM -0500 7/21/03, Donald Lee wrote:
>>I have been trying to get a new server (beige G3, OF 2.4, 500 Mhz
>>upgrade G3 CPU, 256 Mb mem) tested and into production.
>>Unlike all my previous NetBSD machines, this one is not stable.
>>Every couple of weeks, it falls over with a panic of some sort.
>>The last one was a "corrupted inode". This latest one is detailed
>>I am hoping that someone can help with some suggestions, or at least
>>some info on how I can best track this down. I can use a debugger, but
>>am not familiar with many of the internal structures of NetBSD.
>>I would very much
>>like to go production with this one, but I have to get the MTTI up
>>into the same range as my other machines (2 years between reboots.)
>>(below is the screen output at the time of the crash...)
>>trap: kernel read DSI @ 0xdd48f014 by 0x258dbc (DSISR 0x40000000, err=14)
>>Press a key to panic.
>>tlp0: receive ring overrun
>>panic: trap
>>Stopped in pid 13316 (find) at cpu_Debugger+0x10: lwz r0, r1, 0x14
>>db> tr
>>0xdd48ee00: at panic+174
>>0xdd48eec0: at trap+908
>>0xdd48ef30: kernel DSI read trap @ 0xdd48f014 by cache_lookup + 4a8: srr1=0x9032
>> r1=0xdd48efe0 cr=0x8000f038 xer=0x20000000 ctr=0x226ff8 dsisr=0x4000
>> <????> : at cache_lookup+34c
>>0xdd48efe0: at 0x418761c4