Subject: Re: Problem ftping to NetBSD Server from OS X
To: None <>
From: Donald Lee <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/02/2003 21:31:14
>On Mac OS X I can ftp to my NetBSD Server without a problem if I use ftp
>from a shell. However, when I use Mac's GUI Interface (command-K, enter
>in the ftp URL), after logging in I can download but not write to files.
>Can someone point me at what I need to change? I configured ftpd a long
>time ago with minimal configuration.
I've found the ftp access in MacOS X to be the most dangerous feature.
Several times I have tried to use it and hung the machine. I'm not
talking about a hang where a force-quit will fix it. I'm talking a major
hangup that prevents processes from starting and ssh to stop working.
The _most_ unstable part appears to be the ability to use URLs of the
Last time I tried that, I crashed my MacOS X machine.